IMA Lab, a meeting place for innovation in Bologna

Under the cupola of the cutting-edge IMA Lab dome, there is talk of innovation in the pharmaceutical, industrial process and packaging sectors, among others. It is the occasion for meeting and comparing ideas.
The IMA Lab dome was set up to coincide with Pharmintech, where it was hosting talks by specialists and researchers in the pharmaceutical, industrial process and packaging sectors, in person and on the Web. Among the more highly-anticipated international contributions were an interview with Janet Woodcock – director of the Center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) at the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) – and a talk given by Bernhardt L. Trout, professor of Chemical Engineering at MIT, director of the Novartis-MIT Center for Continuous Manufacturing, and co-chair on the Singapore-MIT Alliance on Chemical and Pharmaceutical Engineering. IMA Lab is IMA S.p.A.’s strategy for promoting, sharing and developing innovative ideas and practices in the pharmaceutical sector. Innovation is the key to ending the crisis. And it is innovation that for years has guaranteed IMA a place as world leader: in addition to continually investing in research and development, IMA stays in touch with the latest evolutions in technology and continues to nourish relationships with innovators across the globe. Thus, IMA Lab was born, as a physical and virtual space where academics, researchers, technicians, organizations and entrepreneurs can share their ideas and experience. IMA Lab is a cutting-edge dome and a website open to the world. These are new spaces and channels where people meet, new concepts circulate, ideas are generated and solutions are found. The driving force behind IMA Lab is the ambition to promote and develop an instrumental culture of innovation through participation and collaboration. Throughout these three days, IMA Lab was delivering a rich program of talks to be broadcast in streaming on, where they are accessible for viewing. Visit the website: