Refresco acquires Spumador

The company gains a strong position in the growing Italian private label market.

Refresco Group announces its intention to acquire Spumador, the largest producer of private label carbonated soft drinks (CSDs) and mineral water in Italy. Spumador is owned by Trilantic Capital Partners, a global private equity firm. Refresco is the market leader in the production of private label soft drinks and fruit juices in Europe.

Spumador is a major producer for the Italian retail market with five production locations in Northern Italy. In addition to private label CSDs and mineral water, Spumador also manufactures ready-to-drink (RTD) iced teas, sport drinks and fruit juices and owns a number of trademarks, including San Antonio, Valverde and San Attiva.

In 2009, the company generated € 170 million in revenue, an increase of 7% compared to 2008, and produced a total of 958 million liters, up more than 9% over the previous year.

The acquisition of Spumador is Refresco’s second substantial acquisition within a year. It follows the acquisition of Soft Drinks International (SDI), a German producer of soft drinks and mineral water with a revenue of € 140 million, which was acquired in September 2010. The  acquisition of Spumador fits in with Refresco’s Buy & Build strategy, which is geared towards further strengthening and expanding Refresco’s leading position in Europe in the area of soft drinks and fruit juices. This is Refresco’s first step into the Italian market.

This transaction is expected to be completed within a few months.